Pick an idea and submit your talk!

There are only a few days left to submit a talk proposal to the next DjangoCon Europe. Out of ideas? Here's a short list of talks I would love to see!

On Django:

  • Upgrading old Django apps: Congrats, you did it! But how was it? Did everything went well or did you run into some nightmare stuff? Sharing your story and tips would help a lot of developers in charge of legacy projects.
  • Optimization 1: everything was slow until you find the solution that made everything better! How did you debug it? What tools did you use to diagnose your issue? What was that cool stuff you did that saved the day and made your managers and users happy?
  • Optimization 2: All those little tricks that make everything run smoother and that everyone should know.
  • Common beginners' pitfalls: It could be a good Django 101 talk based on your experience as a Django teacher or mentor.
  • Security talks! Because everyone needs and loves a good security talk!
  • That time it was a bad idea to use Django: what failed? How did you fix it?
  • How you moved your project from tech X to Django: how and why did you do it? Any weird issue? What would you do differently?

Not only Django:

  • UhOh, I'm on a call now! How is it organized? How do you make sure your team doesn't get paged every hour during the night
  • That time you did support for a day at your company (and discover you were doing it wrong): why you think everyone should do it and what did you learn?

On Hard Skills:

  • How to give a good code review or useful feedbacks: we need to do it every day so let's learn to do it the right way!
  • Moving from engineering to management: it can be extra difficult to do it without guidance. If you've done it, share your experience and what you've learned.
  • Recruiting: how, as a developer, you take part in the recruiting process (interview, code review, etc.). Why did you do to make sure your team doesn't end up to be only white cis men?
  • Onboarding and mentoring: how did you make sure your new colleagues feel welcome and have everything they need to be successful?
  • Finding a job in tech: from interviews to salary negotiation.

On Community:

  • How to manage an OSS project (without burning-out): how to deal with contributors, with the huge amount of emails and notifications, etc. I would also love to hear how you decided to stop maintaining a popular package: have you sunset it or gave it to someone else?
  • How you've started a sustainable community or organized an event: we don't talk enough about all the things, from basic organization skills to inclusivity, that make a small group grow into a healthy community.

Now, don't wait and go submit your talk: You have until February 1st to do it!
Don't forget we have speaker mentors and opportunity grants if you need them.

Wait! One super important thing!

Did one of those ideas made you think about someone that you do an awesome talk on that topic?
Cool! Now your job is to go see that person and to tell them that and to invite them to submit a talk. Why? Because it could be that little push or encouragement they needed to hear :)